ARCHIVES Danyliw Seminar 2017

ARCHIVES Danyliw Seminar 2017
Program Committee
Program Committee

Program 2018

ARCHIVES Danyliw Seminar 2018
Desmarais Hall 12102, 55 Laurier Ave., U of Ottawa Campus
Thursday 8 November
Political Economy: Since Maidan
9.15 - 10.00 AM
Moderator: OXANA SHEVEL (Tufts U, US)
SOPHIE LAMBROSCHINI (Centre Marc Bloch, Germany)
“Rivers Don’t Abide by the Laws of War” : The Water Utilities Company Voda Donbasu as a Case Study of Collaborative Practices Across the Contact Line in Eastern Ukraine
10.00 - 10.45 AM
Moderator: ANNA COLIN LEBEDEV (U Paris-Ouest Nanterre, France)
DMYTRO KHUTKYY (Independent Defense Anti-Corruption Committee, Ukraine) Corruption Risks in Defence Procurement in Ukraine
11.15 - 12.00 PM
Moderator: IOULIA SHUKAN (U Paris-Ouest Nanterre, France)
TARAS FEDIRKO (U of Cambridge, UK)
Money and Free Speech in Ukrainian Journalism: The Case of Hromadske
(with the support of the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium)
Perpetrators and Bystanders
1.00 - 2.30 PM
ANNA MULLER (U of Michigan Dearborn, US)
DOMINIQUE AREL (U of Ottawa, Canada)
DARIA MATTINGLY (U of Cambridge, UK)
The Ordinary and Extraordinary Perpetrators of the Holodomor -
OLGA RYABCHENKO (Beketov National U of Urban Economy, Ukraine)
Resistance and Humility: Mobilizing Young People for Work in Urban Areas during the Years of Collectivization and Holodomor -
NICK KUPENSKY (Bowdoin College, US) Blindness, Hypnosis, Addiction, Fetish: The Language of Holodomor Denial in Soviet Industrial Travel Narratives
Asking the Big Questions
3.00 - 4.30 PM
BOHDAN KLID (CIUS, U of Alberta, Canada)
DARIA MATTINGLY (U of Cambridge, UK)
STANISLAV KULCHYTSKY (Institute of Ukrainian History, Ukraine)
New Book: The Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine (CIUS Press, 2018) -
OLEH WOLOWYNA (U of North Carolina Chapel Hill, US)
A General Framework for Holodomor Research

Film Screening Home Games
(Ukraine, 2018)
directed by Alisa Kovalenko
4.30 - 7.00 PM
Followed by a Q&A with the film producer

A season in the life of Alina, a poor 20-year-old girl from Kyiv who has a chance to be saved by football, but must also rescue her young siblings. A hard look at the reality of broken homes and strong women.
7.00 PM
Opening Reception
All are invited!
Desmarais 12102 (same room)

Friday 9 November
The Demography of the Holodomor
9.00 - 9.45 AM
Moderator: DOMINIQUE AREL (Chair of Ukrainian Studies)
(Institute of Demography, Ukraine)The Role of Grain Procurement in Understanding Regional Variations of 1933 Holodomor Losses
The OUN and World War II Violence
9.45 - 10.30 AM
Moderator: DARIA MATTINGLY (U of Cambridge, UK)
(U of Toronto, Canada)
OUN Prisoners in the Buchenwald Subcamp Mittelbau-Dora: A Microhistory
11.00 AM - 1.00 PM
DOMINIQUE AREL (Chair of Ukrainian Studies)
ANNA MULLER (U of Michigan Dearborn, US)
JEFFREY KOPSTEIN ((U of California Irvine)
JASON WITTENBERG (U of California Berkeley)
New Book: Intimate Violence: Anti-Jewish Pogroms
on the Eve of the Holocaust (Cornell, 2018) -
New Book: Anatomy of a Genocide: The Life and Death of a Town Called Buczacz (Simon and Schuster, 2018) -
JOHN PAUL HIMKA (U of Alberta, Canada)
OUN-UPA and the Holocaust: A Survey of the Historiography

The Humanitarian Costs of the Donbas War
2.00 - 3.00 PM
Moderator: ANNA COLIN LEBEDEV (U Paris-Ouest Nanterre, France)
CYNTHIA J. BUCKLEY (U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
RALPH S. CLEM (Florida International U, US)
ERIK S. HERRON (West Virginia U, US)
No Safe Place: Geopolitical and Humanitarian Implications of Medical Care Infrastructure Destruction in the Donbas Conflict
3.00-3.45 PM
Moderator: OXANA SHEVEL (Tufts U, US)
TANIA BULAKH (U of Indiana Bloomington, US)
Daily Life Near the “Contact Line”:
How People Experience the State in Conflict-Affected Ukraine

Film Screening No Obvious Signs (Ukraine, 2018, 64 min.)
directed by Alina Gorlova
Followed by a Q&A with the filmmaker Alina Gorlova
4.15 - 6.15 PM
The story of a female soldier who returns from the Donbas war. Talking to psychologists, battling her PTSD and panic attacks, she tries hard to get back to normal life. The film shows her difficult path of recovery.

Saturday 10 November
War and Gender
9.00 - 10.30 AM
DARIA MATTINGLY (U of Cambridge, UK)
ANNA MULLER (U of Michigan Dearborn, US)
Underground, Imprisonments, and the Polish-Ukrainian Relationships:
The Life of Polish and Ukrainian Female Underground Members -
OKSANA KIS (Institute of Ethnology, Lviv, Ukraine)
Faith as a Shield: Ukrainian Women’s Religious Practices as Resistance
to Total Dehumanization in the Gulag
Religion after the War
11.00 - 11.45 PM
Moderator: ANNA MULLER (U of Michigan Dearborn, US)
Soviet Governance in postwar Western Ukraine: Church and State
Recasting Memories
11.45 AM - 12.30 PM
Moderator: IOULIA SHUKAN (U Paris-Ouest Nanterre, France)
ANNA BALÁZS (U of Manchester, UK)
The Decommunization of Everyday Life: The Case of Mariupol
Political Behavior and Attitudes Since Maidan
1.30 - 3.00 PM
IOULIA SHUKAN (U Paris-Ouest Nanterre, France)
OLEH HAVRYLYSHYN (Carleton U, Canada)
OLGA ONUCH (U of Manchester, UK)
The Impact of War on Voting Behavior: The Case of Ukraine -
OLEKSIY HARAN (U Kyiv Mohyla Academy, Ukraine)
New Book: Constructing a Political Nation: Changes in the Attitudes of Ukrainians during the War in the Donbas (Stylos, 2017)

The Donbas War in Visuals and Sounds
3.30 - 4.15 PM
Moderator: DOMINIQUE AREL (Chair of Ukrainian Studies)
ANTONY BUTTS (Filmmaker/Programmer)
The Many Lives of “Lenin”: A Simulation Game of the War in Donbas
A video game, based on ethnographic evidence, exploring how information warfare impacted the minds of individuals on the ground in what became the Donbas war.
4.15 - 5.00 PM
Moderator: ANNA MULLER (U of Michigan Dearborn, US)
IRYNA SHUVALOVA (U of Cambridge, UK)
Songs of the Donbas War: Dismantling, Construction and
Reconstruction of Identities through Text, Sound and Image