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ARCHIVES Danyliw Seminar 2017

ARCHIVES Danyliw Seminar 2017
Program Committee
Program Committee

Taras Romashchenko
(Bielefeld U, Germany/Khmelnytsky U Cherkasy, Ukraine)
The Return of Ukrainian Refugees:
from Exaggerated Expectations to Harsh Reality
The presentation is on the reconstruction challenges within Ukraine post-conflict, emphasizing that the lack of skilled labour and demographic decline, exacerbated by the war and refugee outflows, hinder the recovery process. It is then proposed that through effective measures of repatriation, Ukraine will have the capabilities to rebuild its economy and successfully recover from the conflict.
Taras Romashchenko is an Associate Professor of International Economics at the University of Cherkasy (Ukraine) and Visiting Professor at Bielefeld University (Germany).
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